Margaret Anne Clarke
Professora Associada de Português e Estudos Culturais (Universidade de Portsmouth, Reino Unido), Supervisora Externa (King’s College London, Reino Unido). Doutora em Estudos Hispánicos, (Universidade de Liverpool, Reino Unido, 1993). - INGLATERRA.
Profesora Asociada de Português y Estudios Culturales, Universidad de Portsmouth, Reino Unido), Supervisora Externa (King’s College London, Reino Unido). Doctorada en Estudios Hispánicos, Universidad de Liverpool, Reino Unido, 1993) - INGLATERRA.
Maître de Conférences de Portuguais e Études Culturelles, (Université de Portsmouth, Royaume-Uni), Superviseur Externe, King’s College Londres). Doctorat en Études Hispaniques (Université de Liverpool, 1993) - ANGLETERRE.
Senior Lecturer in Portuguese and Cultural Studies (University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 1993), External Supervisor (King’s College Londres, United Kingdom). Doctorate in Hispanic Studies (University of Liverpool, 1993) - ENGLAND.
English, Português, Español,
Pesquisa/Investigacion/Recherche/Research (2020/2021)
A formação poética de Jorge de Lima
Origens e significado do poema épico Invenção de Orfeu
La formación poética de Jorge de Lima
Los orígenes literárias y significado poético del poema épico Invención de Orfeu
La formation poétique de Jorge de Lima
Les origenes et la signification du poema épique Invention d’Orpheus
The poetic development of Jorge de Lima
The origins and significance of the epic poem Invention of Orpheus
1. Clarke, M.A. “Biopoetics: The Interfaces Between Language, Form and Life.” In Chad Weidner (ed) Fractured Ecologies. Roskilde, Denmark: Eyecorner Press (Publication date: June 2020).
2. Clarke, M.A. “Maria Câmara Bormann’s Lésbia: Challenging the Boundaries of Brazilian Literary Historiography”. In Sandra Guardini Teixera Vasconcelos and Ana Cláudia Suriani (eds) Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Brazilian Novel. London: University College of London Press, 2020: 203 – 225.
3. Clarke, M.A. “Portugal”. In: Susan M. Shaw, Nancy Staton Barbour, Patti Duncan, Kryn Freehling-Burton and Jane Nichols (eds.) Women’s Lives Around the World, Volume 3: Europe. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2018.
4. “Jorge de Lima’s Invenção de Orfeu: tracing the evolution of a twentieth-century cosmological and Christian epic”. Revista Épicas, Ano 4, No. 4, 2018, 1 – 5. ISSN 2527-080-X. Available at: https://www.revistaepicas.com/numero-4
5. Translation of Cláudia Canto, Cidade Tiradentes: De Menina a Mulher/From Girl to Woman. Bilingual Edition, Portuguese/English. São Paulo: Editora Areia Dourada, 2018.
6. Translation of and introduction to Cláudia Canto, Morte às Vassouras (published in English as Death to the Brushes!): 35,000-word semi-autobiographical novel by the contemporary Brazilian writer Cláudia Canto. São Paulo: Edicon, 2015.
7. “Digital Brazil: Open-Source Nation and the Meta-Recycling of Knowledge”. In Kathy Bacon and Niamh Thornton (eds) The “Noughties” in the Hispanic and Lusophone World. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018: 203 – 217
8. “Contested Writing in a Second Language: Identity, Authorship and Genre”. In Mary R. Lamb (ed.) Contest(ed) Writing: Reconceptualizing Literacy Competitions. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012: 151 – 165
9. “Building Bridges Between Tellers and Listeners: The Role of Digital Storytelling in the Construction of Democratic Frameworks”. In Omar Swartz (ed) Communication and Creative Democracy. Suffolk: Aramis Academic, 2011: 218 - 245
10. “Regina Célia Pinto’s Museum of the Essential and Beyond That”. In Pat O’Brien, Niamh Thornton and Gabrielle Carty (eds) Transcultural Encounters Amongst Women in Hispanic and Lusophone Literature, Art and Film. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010: 21 – 33
11. “The Online Brazilian Museu da Pessoa”. In Joanne Garde-Hansen, Andrew Hoskins and Anna Reading (eds) Save As… Digital Memories. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009: 151 – 166
12. Clarke, M.A. “Developing Digital Storytelling in Brazil”. In John Hartley and Kelly McWilliam (eds) Story Circle: Digital Storytelling Round the World. New York: Wiley Blackwell, 2009: 144 – 154
13. “Death and The Muse: The Poetry of Francisca Júlia.” In Ann Davies, Par Kumaraswami and Claire Williams (eds) Making Waves: Essays on Hispanic Women’s Writing. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008: 170 – 184
14. “Creative Writing in the Borderlands”. Rukopis: Review of Writing Practice 2009 3:1: 9 – 2. ISSN 1801 7630
15. “The Cyberart of Corpos Informáticos” In Claire Taylor and Thea Pitman (eds) Navegando: Latin American Cyberliteratures and Cybercultures. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2007: 70 – 84
16. “Olga Savary”: 471 – 473; “Helena Parente Cunha”: 134 – 136; in Encyclopedia of Latin American Women’s Writing (eds. André, Maria H. and Bueno, Eva P.) New York: Routledge, 2007.
17. “Creative Writing Across Languages”
Writing in Education Issue 31 (Spring 2004), 24 – 27. ISSN 1361 8539
18. Preface and introduction to: Stella Leonardos, Memorial de Jorge de Lima. Alagoas: Fundação Cultural do Estado de Alagoas, 2001.
19. “A Alétheia e a Rosa: alguns aspectos da filosofia de Martin Heidegger na poesia de Carlos Drummond de Andrade”. Anais do Ciclo Drummond: Preparando o Centenário I. Faculdade de Letras: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2000.
20. “As Folhas da Sibila: a problemática da criação poética em The Waste Land de T.S. Eliot.” In: Shirley Carreira (ed.) Anais da 1a Semana de Estudos Interdisciplinares AngloAmericanos. Duque de Caxias: Editora UNIGRANRIO, 2001: 191 – 201
21. “O Resgate do Logos na Epoca Moderna: a poesia religiosa de T.S. Eliot e Murilo Mendes.” Registros do Seplic, no. 11. Seminário Permanente de Literatura Comparada, Departamento da Ciência da Literatura, Rio de Janeiro, 2000: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
22. “Olga Savary: a poética da natureza e do siléncio.”; Voz tristonha, voz plangente; a angústia e a criatividade na poesia de Florbela Espanca.” “O ideal neoplatónico e a imagem da mulher na poesia lírica de Camões.” In: Serviços da Pesquisa, Enciclopedia Barsa. Rio de Janeiro: Enciclopedia Britannica do Brasil. December 1998.
23. “Time and Narrative Structure in the work of António Lobo Antunes.” In: Lisa Jesse (ed) Portuguese at Leeds, Leeds Iberian Papers, Vol. 5. Leeds: Leeds University, 1995 197 – 209